The Story Of Narasimha
The Narasimha avatar of Lord Vishnu is well known among everyone. Celebrated as a god who loves children, his story goes as such.
Vishnu took the avatar of Varaha to save Earth and killed Hiranyaksh. This in turn angered Hiranyakashyipu who vowed to avenge his brother (Hiranyaksh's) death. He then did austere penance to Lord Brahma for years which did impress Brahma and he did something he had been doing for eons and will be doing so for eons to come - give him a boon. Hiranyakashyipu immediately asked to be granted immortality, but alas!, such boons aren't given by anyone. So after deep thought, he cunningly yet smartly (no one can outsmart Vishnu though 😜) asked for a boon as follows -
"Oh lord! Grant me this wish that I may never be killed by human, animal or god by any weapon
by any living or non-living creature created by you.
May I not be killed in the day or night,
inside or outside a residence,
in the sky, on the ground or in the water"
which was granted by Brahma.
This angered Hiranyakashyipu for now that even his own son was worshipping him, the subjects of his kingdom were talking behind his back and not taking him seriously. He then made numerous attempts to kill Prahlad (which was apparently a punishment) which were all foiled by Vishnu himself.
One day, Hiranyakashyipu was at the peak of his anger as he asked Prahlad where his beloved Vishnu was to which he replied that Vishnu was everywhere. He is in you, me, every dust particle, every drop of water, every new leaf that sprouts out from a plant, every livng and non-living thing. Hiranyakashyipu then pointed to a pillar and bellowed "Is your Vishnu in this pillar too" as he kicked the pillar with brute force.
From inside the pillar, Lord Vishnu emerged angrily (Vishnu is angered when someone disrespects or hurts his followers and Hiranyakashyipu had not just hurt Prahlad but tried to kill him too) with the head of a lion, body of a man and talon sharp and long fingernails - the Narasimha avatar. Narasimha then caught Hiranyakshyipu, carried him to the threshold of the courtyard and made him lie down on his lap. He yelled
"Look Hiranyakashyipu, it is neither day nor night,
we are neither inside a residence nor or you outside,
we are not on land, in water or in the sky,
I am neither human nor god nor animal,
I am not using any weapon to kill you"
And saying thus, during the evening, Narasimha tore apart Hiranyakashyipu using his fingernails.
Thus, due to the staunch devotion of Prahlad, a child, Vishnu's Narasimha avatar is said to have a soft corner towards children.
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